Monday, May 08, 2006

Homework Monday May 8th 2006

Presentation of my job


Thanks for your lessons yesterday and asking for a presentation of my current job. Please find here some information about my daily business for example searching for new customers, teaching some lessons in front of students for their bachelors degree or for further education. Sometimes this contains a tool, a technology, or a program language. Most of the teaching time is centred a round the user interface, which colour or fonts to take, how to bring the right information together and to show them to the user. Nevertheless, most of my time I spend with projects. Some are for research others for customers, sometimes with partners in Switzerland or the European Union. However, what I like most in my job is to learn some new things every day, with the question from a student or by a problem in a project. Sometimes we have some trainees from Switzerland or all over the world. I also make some events for girls to show them what engineering looks like, so that more women will choose a technical education.

Looking forward to reading your reaction to my homework. HTH.

Best regards,