Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sunday May 7th 2006

I am not sure where to start; it was a long day with many impressions.

We both had a bad night with not that much of sleep. I am not sure, where we both that much nervous or what? When we went up, I was very tired and sad. Yesterday I refuse to believe, that I will leave the next day to Ireland and then this morning I was sure, today I would leave Switzerland. It was like a switch of the light, on or off but nothing between.

After the breakfast, we walked to the train station and took the train to Zurich Airport. It was a long queue before the check in and we needed a long time for that and just a short time to say goodbye. However, we cannot do it backward. We made some pictures, a last big hug, some tears and then I went through the passport control. Behind the pane, we waved goodbye and then we went different ways. I went to the gate and you to the tourist terrace to see my plane to leave.

At 10 o’clock, our plane left Zurich to Dublin. Over the clouds was the sun and we had some turbulence above Europe. It was a great pity, that we did not see a lot of the countryside. Just in Ireland, we saw the ground.